Monday Evening Classics, 6:00 - 8:00 pM

Great Pianists of the 20th Century, Mondays 8:00 pM

Just Jazz, Saturdays 11:00 pM

Mike Shakinovsky with his wife Sheryl at his farewell celebration in 2019

Mike Shakinovsky with his wife Sheryl at his farewell celebration in 2019

Mike Shakinovsky joined WMNR Fine Arts Radio in 1984. In March 2019 he retired to Florida but he left WMNR a rich library of programs which we still happily air. Camille Saint Saëns once said, "I live in music like a fish lives in water" and so it is with Mike. He was born into a musical family going back generations. His mother taught piano as well as ballet. Mike’s roots were nourished with music and the arts. 

Of Russian extraction, Mike has lived in a number of countries around the world and made his home in the USA in 1978. He lives with his wife Sheryl who is a portrait artist and sculptor. Their home is filled with music and art.